Planning Tools for Decentralized Heat Supply: Modeling the Effects of Volatile Renewable Energies
District Heating, Decentralized Feed-In, Solar Thermal, Heat Storage, Network Simulation, Software Tools, Optimization, Temperature DistributionAbstract
An increasing share of decentralized feed-in is necessary for the transition of district heating networks but it comes with various challenges. Software tools for modelling, simulation and optimization allow a theoretical examination of those challenges and possible solutions. Some of these have been used and further developed in the research project ZellFlex. One selected examination is the flexibility of supply temperatures by varying setpoint temperatures for a decentral solar thermal system (500 m²) integrated into an existing district heating network. The analysis of the supply temperature distribution in the network showed: A decrease of the solar thermal feed-in set point temperature by 5 K compared to the supply temperature of the central heat producer seemed acceptable in terms of security of supply, while a 10 K reduction comes with a high risk of undersupply. Furthermore, it was discovered that the points of time with the lowest supply temperatures at the consumers were just before and after they were provided with solar heat due to specific effects concerning temperature loss of the fluid.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Vera Boß, Clemens Felsmann, Bogdan Narusavicius, Karin Rühling

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Grant numbers 03EN3001;03KB159B;03ET1358B;03EN6016;03ET1322A