Comparative Analysis of Solar Tower and Parabolic Trough Systems for Solar Heat in a Steel Industry
Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST), Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC), Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP), Solar TowerAbstract
Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) systems emerge as a promising alternative to replace fossil fuels used in industrial thermal processes due to their high energy density and dispatchability. In this study, a comparative analysis of two CST systems, Solar Tower (ST) and Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC), has been made to replace natural gas used in the steam generation process in Türkiye's largest steel production plant, located in the Mediterranean Region of Türkiye. Both the ST and PTC systems were placed in a field area of approximately 0.4 km2. The results have shown that, on a monthly basis, the PTC system could exceed the plant's thermal energy for two-thirds of the year, while the ST system could meet the plant's energy requirements for one-third of the year. This could reduce CO2 by about 12.7 and 19.1 kilo-tones for ST and PTC at LCOH of about 68.9 and 36.9 EUR/MWh, respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Deniz Değirmenci, Levent Güner, Onur Taylan, Didem Nedret İnceoğlu, Server Sakallı, Erdal Ünal

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Funding data
HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme
Grant numbers 101086110