Linking Renewable Energy Projects at Municipal Level with NECP Planning and Reporting

Supporting the Transformation Process




Renewable Energy, Spatial Planning, Municipality Development


Regarding the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) according to EU Governance Regulation, there is a disconnect between the federal and municipal levels that hinders effective planning and reporting, especially in the area of renewable energy sources (RES) where availability depends on the regional spatial conditions. The project transFORMAT-LINK addresses this challenge based on case studies and stakeholder discussions. Main results are (1) the LINK-Guideline for municipal development concepts/plans to support RES project implementation and NECP planning and reporting; (2) the LINK-Software prototype for developing and monitoring municipal development concepts/plans according to LINK-Guideline. This contribution presents an overview of preliminary results, with a focus on minimum requirements for municipal development concepts/plans under the regional spatial planning laws and how they will facilitate the implementation of renewable energy projects. 


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How to Cite

Geissler, S., Arevalo-Arizaga, A., Youssef, D., Dumke, H., & Grinzinger, E. (2024). Linking Renewable Energy Projects at Municipal Level with NECP Planning and Reporting: Supporting the Transformation Process. International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


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