Intermittent Operations of District Heating Networks in Summer Months

A Showcase




Heating Network, Optimization, Intermittent Operational Strategy, Reduction of Operational Costs


In the OREWA project, optimization measures for existing heat networks were identified and assessed based on both economic and ecological considerations [1]. One of the focal investigations was the simulation of intermittent operational strategies tailored for the summer months. Next to the classic intermittent approach an innovative variation was explored, which involved the storage of hot water during intermediate phases in large central tanks to further minimize heat losses. Both the classic and innovative intermittent strategies showcased substantial reductions in network losses and energy consumption for circulation pumps. This research shows the melioration of heat network efficiency through a substantial reduction of summer heat losses for a network with a low heat demand density of 0.7 MWh/(m²·a).


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How to Cite

Vannahme, A., Müller, S., Schmitt, D., Summ, T., Trinkl, C., & Schrag, T. (2024). Intermittent Operations of District Heating Networks in Summer Months: A Showcase. International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Future District Heating and Cooling

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