A Review of Possibilities and Challenges of Pit Thermal Energy Storages in Swedish District Heating Networks
Pit Thermal Energy Storage, District Heating Network, Solar District Heating, Benefits, ChallengesAbstract
The use of pit thermal energy storages (PTES) enables higher solar fraction in district heating networks by counteracting the mismatch between heat demand and production in solar district heating (SDH) installations. Capital costs linked to land areas with site-specific geological conditions are the deciding factors for PTES constructions. This study investigates non-technical and technical factors for the implementation of PTES in Swedish district heating networks. Having several SDH and PTES installations in operation the country of Denmark is used as a reference. This study, based on literature review, discusses the drivers and challenges for the use of PTES in district heating networks.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Frej Fogelström, Itai Danielski, Truong Nguyen, Gireesh Nair

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Funding data
Grant numbers 52686-1