Replacing Fossil-Fueled Combined Heat and Power Plants with Malta’s Pumped Heat Energy Storage Technology to Provide Clean Power and District Heat




Energy Storage, Curtailment, Green Heat, District Heating, Decarbonization


This study analyzes the potential integration of a 100 MWel, 36-hour Malta Pumped Heat Energy Storage (PHES) system into the district heating network of the city of Hamburg, Germany, using energy from a nearby offshore wind farm that would otherwise be curtailed to charge the system. Publicly available data showing the times when curtailment instructions were given by the transmission system operator were used to determine the hours during which the storage system should be charged. Malta’s proprietary hourly performance model was used to simulate the behavior and performance of different plant configurations. It was shown that this configuration could avoid the curtailment of 227 GWhel of wind energy per year. The study showed that the system could provide 117 GWhel of electricity to the grid, as well as 72 GWhth of thermal energy for Hamburg’s district heating network, during periods where less renewable energy was available. This system could reduce the annual CO2 emissions by 101,400 tonnes compared to the coal-fired combined heat and power (CHP) plant that it would replace.


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The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, “Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021 establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulations (EC) No 401/2009 and (EU) 2018/1999 (‘European Climate Law’)”, June 2021, (date accessed: 20 October 2023)

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz, „Bundesklimaschutzgesetz“, (date accessed: 14 September 2023)

Bundesnetzagentur, „Quartalsbericht (2023)“, Section “Netzengpassmanagement”, Viertes Quartal 2022 (date accessed: 12 October 2023)

TenneT, „Eisman-Einsatzberichte“, (date accessed: 07 June 2023)

Climate-Data, “Klima Hamburg (Deutschland)“, (date accessed: 14 July 2023)




How to Cite

Runkel, F., & Hippler-Nettlau, J. (2024). Replacing Fossil-Fueled Combined Heat and Power Plants with Malta’s Pumped Heat Energy Storage Technology to Provide Clean Power and District Heat. International Sustainable Energy Conference - Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Emerging Energy Technologies and System Integration