Leveraging SUMO for Real-World Traffic Optimization: A Comprehensive Approach
SUMO, ATSPMs, Calibration, Traffic Management, Traffic OptimizationAbstract
This paper illuminates the utilization of SUMO as a powerful tool for addressing real-world traffic management issues. There is a gap in testing and validating solutions to in-field conditions due to the high cost and complexity of urban and suburban road networks. The validation step is often skipped, which can lead to a higher risk in implementing sophisticated solutions that exist in our multimodal transportation environment. This challenge is addressed by introducing simulations as a crucial preliminary step before real-world application. Accurate simulations require detailed data on intersection geometries, vehicle distribution, and driver behavior to accurately mirror real-world conditions. To meet these criteria, detailed sensor data on trajectories, types of road users, and their locations are extensively employed. This data forms the foundation for calibrated traffic simulations by NoTraffic™ . In conclusion, an in-depth demonstration of the method used to address a real-world traffic problem with SUMO is provided, emphasizing SUMO’s effectiveness in building confidence for deploying solutions in the field.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olga Dobrilko, Alon Bublil

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Accepted 2024-04-03
Published 2024-07-17