Calibrating Car-Following Models Using SUMO-in-the-Loop and Vehicle Trajectories From Roadside Radar
Calibrating CF Model Parameters
Traffic Micro-Simulation, Car-Following Models, Car-Following Calibration, Intelligent Driver Model, Roadside Radar DataAbstract
This paper presents an innovative calibration method for car-following (CF) models in the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) using real-world trajectory data from a 1.5 km signalized urban corridor, captured by roadside radars. By applying a sophisticated track-level association and fusion methodology, the study extends trajectory analysis beyond individual radar fields of view. The enhanced data is then utilized to refine the Krauss, IDM, and W99 CF models within SUMO, addressing the literature gap by integrating SUMO into the calibration loop, thereby accommodating the simulator's integration scheme and any model adaptations. The research identifies that default SUMO models tend to exhibit shorter time headways compared to real-world data, with calibration effectively reducing this discrepancy. Moreover, the W99 model, despite its unrealistic acceleration profiles when calibrated without considering acceleration, most accurately captures the higher-end energy consumption distribution. Conversely, the IDM model, with its default parameters, provides the closest approximation to observed acceleration behaviors, highlighting the nuanced performance of CF models in traffic simulation and their implications for energy consumption estimation. Detailed results of optimized parameters for each CF model are provided in appendix in addition to distribution information that may be useful for other modelers to use directly or other datasets to be compared in the future (including expansion of the work to include vehicle classification).
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Maxwell Schrader, Arya Karnik, Alexander Hainen, Joshua Bittle

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Accepted 2024-04-03
Published 2024-07-17
Funding data
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Grant numbers DE-EE0009210