SAGA: An Activity-based Multi-modal Mobility ScenarioGenerator for SUMO




In this paper, we define a workflow and a toolchain to support fast mobility scenario prototyping based on open data and open-source software. SAGA is an activity-based multi-modal mobility scenario generator for the Simulation ofUrban MObiltiy (SUMO). Starting from an OpenStreetMap (OSM) file, SAGA extracts the data required to build an amulti-modal scenario, and in a step-by-step fashion, generates the configurations needed to execute it, including the intermediate steps required to refine the scenario with additional data, allowing the iterative improvement of realism and representativeness. The workflow implemented, extended, and automated by SAGA was developed while hand-crafting the Monaco SUMO Traffic (MoST) Scenario. Based on the fast prototyping capabilities added by SAGA, the creation of a multi-modal mobility scenario is readily achievable, and the incremental process to fine-tune it is supported by a workflow instead of being solely based on expert knowledge and experience. Based on previous experience, the generation of the first working prototype of a city-scale multi-modal mobility scenario may take months of work and expert knowledge. SAGAautomatically generates such a prototype, and all the intermediate configuration files are made available for further iterative improvements.


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How to Cite

Codeca, L., Jakob ERDMANN, Vinny CAHILL, & Jerome Haerri. (2022). SAGA: An Activity-based Multi-modal Mobility ScenarioGenerator for SUMO. SUMO Conference Proceedings, 1, 39–58.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Conference papers