Demonstration of 3.5 MWth Parabolic Trough With Ternary Molten Salt at the Évora Molten Salt Platform




Parabolic Through, Ternary Molten Salt, Linear System Operation


Commercial solar thermal parabolic trough power plants use thermal oil as a heat transfer medium in the solar field. Within the framework of the “High Performance Solar 2” (HPS2) research project a molten salt parabolic trough demonstration plant was commissioned in summer 2021 in Évora, Portugal. Since then it has been operated for more than 5.500 h between 180°C and 500 °C, jointly by the University of Évora, DLR and TSK Flagsol. This article presents the main steps of cold and hot commissioning as well as experiences gained in plant operation. It has been shown that filling a preheated solar field with ternary molten salt is not critical, but its drainage can be challenging depending on the quality of the heat tracing and the solar field slope.


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INIESC – Infraestrutura Nacional de Investigação em Energia Solar de Concentração, FCT / PO Alentejo / PO Lisboa. Candidatura: 22113 – INIESC AAC 01/SAICT/2016 (2017-2021)

Ruegamer, T. & Kamp, H. & Kuckelkorn, T. & Schiel, Wolfgang & Weinrebe, Gerhard & Nava, P. & Riffelmann, K. & Richert, Timo. (2014). Molten Salt for Parabolic Trough Applications: System Simulation and Scale Effects. Energy Procedia. 49. 1523-1532.

Michael Wittmann, Mark Schmitz, and Hugo G. Silva, Peter Schmidt, and Günter Doppelbauer, and Ralph Ernst, and Patricia Santamaria, and Thorsten Miltkau, Dorin Golovca, Luís Pacheco, Daniel Högemann, Mirko Meyer-Grünefeldt, Bernhard Seubert. “HPS2 – Demonstration of Molten-Salt in Parabolic Trough Plants – Design of Plant”, SolarPaces 2018.

Mark Mehos, Hank Price, Robert Cable, David Kearney, Bruce Kelly, Gregory Kolb, Frederick Morse; Concentrating Solar Power Best Practices Study, NREL/TP-5500-75763, June 2020.

Dirk Krüger, Raphael Detzler, Mark Schmitz, Christian Jung Alexander Bonk, Andrea Hanke, Pedro Horta, Paula Martins, Mehrdad Torabzadegan; Operating Parabolic Troughs with Molten Salt: Solar Field Optimisation and Ternary Salt Properties; SolarPACES 2022 (submitted)




How to Cite

Dicke, N., Meyer-Grünefeldt, M., Wittmann, M., Stengler, J., Horta, P., Martins, P., … Stefan, C. (2024). Demonstration of 3.5 MWth Parabolic Trough With Ternary Molten Salt at the Évora Molten Salt Platform. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Linear Systems

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