Linear Beam-Down Solar Field Demonstrator: First Results and Validation




Concentrated Solar Power, Linear Fresnel Reflectors, Prototype Experiments


Linear beam-down solar fields consist of two stages of reflections that allow to concentrate solar irradiance at ground level. This approach seems promising for coupling with certain industries that require process heat, such as in mining and asphalt industries, in order to reduce their carbon emissions. In this work, the design and construction of a first of its kind linear beam-down Fresnel prototype is presented. First tests show that for the current solar field configuration, concentrations of up to 4.53 suns are achieved for a summer day at around 4 PM local time (UTC +2). Simulation projections show that this result could be enhanced to obtain up to 11.5 suns under the same solar conditions, by improving the mirror aiming system.


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How to Cite

Taramona, S., Gallo, A., LaTourrette-Ghez, E., Gómez-Hernández, J., & Villa Briongos, J. (2024). Linear Beam-Down Solar Field Demonstrator: First Results and Validation. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Linear Systems

Funding data