Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Fast Spatially Resolved Cleanliness Assessment of Heliostat Fields





Laser Scanning, LIDAR, Concentrated Solar Power, Heliostat Field, Soiling, Cleanliness


This paper presents a novel method for the assessment of cleanliness levels (i.e. specular relative reflectance) in the solar field by use of laser scanning. The detected backscattered laser intensity caused by soil and dust, on the otherwise specular mirror surfaces, can be used for determining the cleanliness of mirrors in the solar field with an excellent spatial resolution and acquisition speed. The backscatter behavior of soiled mirrors with distance and incident angle is analyzed and used for transferring the raw measurements values to a reference distance and incident angle. The experimental results of the novel laser scanning measurement technique as well as new insights on soiling behavior are presented. First, the calibration measurements with artificially soiled mirror samples are analyzed, followed by an extensive measurement campaign in a heliostat field. A correlation for the backscatter power and the cleanliness is found, and the first spatially resolved cleanliness measurement for a heliostat field is shown, successfully validating the measurement principle.


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How to Cite

Ferreres Eceiza, M., Bitterling, M., Schmidt, T., Boehret, T., Wohlfeld, D., & Bern, G. (2024). Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Fast Spatially Resolved Cleanliness Assessment of Heliostat Fields. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.705

Conference Proceedings Volume


Measurement Systems, Devices, and Procedures

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