A Cost-Effective Open Volumetric Air Receiver Design Based on Free Floating Stackable Absorber Modules





CSP, High-Temperature Process Heat, Ceramic Foam Receiver


The CAPTure Open Volumetric Air Receiver (OVAR) design is based on ceramic stackable “free floating” absorber modules that form the receiver structure and avoid a complex metallic double membrane design. The novel receiver design has been validated at small-scale (15 kWth) at a solar simulator, as well as on the top of an experimental tower at 300 kWth, up to absorber module outlet temperatures above 900ºC. The novel OVAR concept is attractive for both the concentrated solar power (CSP) sector, as well as for high-temperature process heat supply. The thermal efficiency of the receiver concept is expected to be above 80% at outlet temperatures of 900ºC.


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How to Cite

Zaversky, F., Rández, X., Baigorri, J., Sánchez, M., Ávila-Marín, A., Fernández-Reche, J., & Füssel, A. (2024). A Cost-Effective Open Volumetric Air Receiver Design Based on Free Floating Stackable Absorber Modules. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/solarpaces.v1i.713

Conference Proceedings Volume


Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Point Focus Systems

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