Analyzing Solar Pyrolysis Process of Walnut Shells: Thermal Biomaterial Behavioral Outcomes
Solar Pyrolysis, Concentrated Solar Energy, BiocharAbstract
This paper presents a new experimental method for the thermal analysis of solar pyrolysis of walnut shells. The method consists of two types of thermal experiments: (A) the pyrolysis of walnut shells, and (B) the heating-cooling of the biochar obtained during experiment A. Nutshells are a waste product from the pecan nut industry. The state of Sonora, Mexico, produces large volumes of walnuts and their residue. Likewise, this region has a considerable solar resource. The motivation of this study is to obtain biochar - a bi-product of high commercial value used for soil enhancement - using solar energy and agro-industrial waste. In this experiment, biomass pyrolysis of 50g of nutshells was carried out inside a stainless-steel reactor heated with concentrated radiation from a solar simulator. Three different heat fluxes were used: 234, 482, and 725 W. The maximum reaction temperatures were: 382, 498, and 674 °C respectively. The composition of the pyrolysis gases (H2, CO, CO2, and CH4) was measured and the biochar obtained was characterized. Finally, the performance of the solar reactor allowed us to identify and differentiate between evaporation, pyrolysis of cellulosic material, and lignin degradation
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Arturo Aspiazu-Méndez, Aracely Cisneros-Cárdenas, Carlos A. Pérez Rábago, Aurora M Pat-Espadas, Fabio Manzini Poli, Claudio A. Estrada

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-05-03
Published 2024-08-28
Funding data
Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Grant numbers PAPIIT AG101422