Thermal Desalination Through Forward Osmosis Coupled With CO2-Mixture Power Cycles for CSP Applications
CO2-Mixtures, Forward Osmosis, Thermal Desalination, CSP, Annual AnalysisAbstract
This work, performed in the framework of the H2020 EU project “DESOLINATION”, analyses the coupling between CSP plants using transcritical power cycles with CO2-mixtures and an innovative thermal desalination technique based on Forward Osmosis. Calculations are presented for a large scale CSP plant with central tower receiver and direct storage with solar salts in Dubai, adopting the mixtures CO2+SO2 and CO2+C6F6 in the power cycles. The heat rejected from the cycle condenser is recovered directly by the FO plant, where the draw solute is heated up from 40 °C to 76 °C, to allow for the regeneration of the draw solution used in the forward osmosis membrane. The thermo-responsive polymer adopted is PAGB2000, already considered in literature as a promising option. Results show a very effective synergy between the electricity and the freshwater production: high yearly solar to electric efficiencies are possible (around 19%), with a low freshwater specific thermal consumption (around 100 kWhth/m3). The proposed desalination method is more effective than a conventional MED system (with + 50% of yearly freshwater produced), while a larger solar field (+ 28% in surface area) is necessary for a PV+RO plant to produce annually both the energy and freshwater produced by the CSP+FO plants.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Igor Matteo Carraretto, Ettore Morosini, Riccardo Simonetti, Marco Astolfi, Marco Binotti, Giampaolo Manzolini

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2024-06-14
Published 2024-07-24
Funding data
H2020 Societal Challenges
Grant numbers 101022686