Conference Proceedings Submissions

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Conference Proceedings Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors adhere to the policies of OCP
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The authors agree that their manuscript is screened for plagiarism with the then offered version of Crossref's Similarity Check, currently iThenticate.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the author guidelines.
  • Where available URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided in the reference list.
  • The submission contains information on how the underlying data and other material can be accessed (data availability statement).
  • The submission contains a statement on authors' contributions according to the CreDIT guidelines.
  • The submission contains a statement on competing interests: authors need to declare competing interests and also must explicitly state if they have no competing interests.
  • The authors are aware that if the manuscript gets accepted, the published article/contribution and its metadata will be distributed to various search engines, data bases, and abstracting and indexing (A&I) services.
  • Moreover, its metadata (including abstract and references) will be sent to Crossref during the DOI registration process. Crossref makes all metadata available through APIs.

Author Guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript authors should read the following guidelines carefully:

  • The primary responsibility of an author is to present their research findings accurately and concisely and to discuss its significance objectively.
  • The author list must only contain persons who contributed significantly (in a scientific sense) to the presented work. Likewise, all persons who made such contribution must be included. Acknowledgements can be included in a dedicated section in the manuscript.
  • AI tools cannot be listed as authors of a paper. Any use of AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, image/graphic generation, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be disclosed transparently in the paper by describing how and which AI tool(s) were used.
  • The manuscript needs to explain in adequate detail the data and methods used in the research, permitting other scientist to replicate the work. Authors need to adhere to the journal’s policy on data and other underlying material (see data policy).
  • Authors should cite publications that have been relevant to their work and that connect readers to related research and help them to understand the presented work. Privately collected information, such as in conversation, correspondence or other interactions with third parties, should not be used or published in the author's work without explicit permission. Sometimes a critique of a published paper may be justified; however, personal critique is not deemed acceptable in either situation.
  • “Salami” publications (i.e. redundant publication) are not permitted.
  • Authors need to take care about correct spelling and grammar.
  • Authors need to obtain the reproduction permissions for any previously published material (e.g. tables and figures).
  • Authors must disclose any competing interest.
  • Authors are not permitted to submit the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously.
  • The manuscript has to be original and thus has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed publication, is not under consideration by any other journal and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights.
  • Errors obtained after publication must be communicated to the journal as soon as possible.

Authors need to use the Word template or LaTeX template provided by TIB Open Publishing.


Please capitalize all major words in the title/heading, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., Self-Report not Self-report). Please also capitalize all words of four letters or more.


Each author should register an ORCID and the ORCIDs of all authors should be included in the manuscript.


The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. in up to 250 words.


Please capitalize the keywords.

Sections and subsections

Three levels of headlines may be used. Please notice that there is no indent in the first paragraph of a section or subsection. New paragraphs are indented. Please only use the formatting styles predefined in the template. Use the “Standard” formatting for the text. The paragraph format is justified. Please use hyphenation. Please do not use footnotes.

  • Bullet points may be used
  1. Numbering may be used, too.
  2. However, please do not use Roman numbers.

After the academic part of the paper, all contributions must include the following sections before the references:

Data availability statement
Please include a statement on how the data supporting the results of your article/contribution can be accessed. If the submission is not based on data or the data it is based on is restricted (third-party data, legal or ethical constraints), this has to be explained in the data availability statement, too. Ideally, data should be deposited in a FAIR-aligned public repository. A registry to find suitable data repositories is Reciprocal linking of data and the article/contribution through persistent identifiers (e.g. DOIs) is best practice.

Underlying and related material
If you have other material that supports your findings (e.g. model code) or is closely related to your article/contribution (e.g. supplementary material  as videos, samples, etc.) deposited on a repository, please include a brief description and the respective DOI(s) here.

Author contributions
Please include a statement on authors' contributions according to the CreDIT guidelines here. CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)’s intention is to recognize individual author con-tributions, reduce authorship disputes, and facilitate collaboration.

Competing interests
Competing interests arise when issues outside research may fairly be viewed as impacting the work's neutrality. All potential competing interests must be disclosed (“The authors declare the following competing interests: …”). If there are no potential competing interests please state “The authors declare that the have no competing interests.”

Please insert a funding statement (if applicable) here.

If you want to acknowledge persons or institutions you can do so here.


Centered table captions should be placed above the tables. Please use the word functionality “insert caption” and then format the caption with the “captions” format. You can cross-reference your tables in the text by using the respective functionality in Word. Tables themselves should be centered. Please do not merge cells in tables. Please do not use in-line math in table captions.


Equations should be centred and set on a separate line. All equations need to be numbered 1-n. Please do not use 1a, 1b…

In addition to the equations in the text, Authors must provide in-line math and equations formatted in KaTeX in a separate file. In this file, equations must be numbered as in the Word document.


A centered figure caption is always placed below the illustration. Please use the word functionality “insert caption” and then format the caption with the “captions” format. You can cross-reference your figures in the text by using the respective functionality in Word. In addition to the embedded figures in the Word file, figure must be submitted as separate jpeg or png. files. If your figure consists of more than one panel, please merge all parts into one file. 


For citations of references, we prefer the use of square brackets and consecutive numbers, e.g. “as shown by Author et al. [2], [3, pp. 5–10]”, “as mentioned earlier [1], [3], [9]”. The first reference mentioned must be [1], the second reference mention [2] etc. Please do not use reference linking in Word (e.g. Word functionality “Insert Citation”, Citavi, or Mendeley) as this causes problem during the XML conversion. However, we recommend adding references through the Zotero Word plugin.


If available, DOIs must be provided. The bibliography below provides the basic formats as a reference list with entries for journal articles [1], book chapter [2], as well as a URL [3]. For further guidance please refer to Please do not forget that data (and other material underpinning the findings) need to be cited in the text and the respective reference must be included in the manuscript’s reference list. Please refer to the data citation principles of FORCE11 or the FORCE11 software citation principles, respectively.

  1. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Journal , vol.x, no.x, pp. xxx–xxx, Abbrev. month, year, doi:……
  2. K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Their Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, (only U.S. State), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx.
  3. First Name Initial(s) Last Name. “Page Title.” Website Title. Web Address (date accessed)

LLMs4OL 2024 Task Overview

We invite submissions to be presented at LLMs4OL 2024:  The 1st Large Language Models for Ontology Learning Challenge at the 23rd ISWC.

LLMs4OL 2024 Task Participant Papers

We invite submissions to be presented at LLMs4OL 2024:  The 1st Large Language Models for Ontology Learning Challenge at the 23rd ISWC.

Talks - International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit 2024

Authors who are invited to give a talk to the International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit 2024 are invited to submit their extended abstract.

Lightning Talks - International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit 2024

Authors who are invited to give a talk to the International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit 2024 are invited to submit their extended abstract.

Contributions to the symposium "Visions and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Constructions 2023"

We invite submissions to be presented at the symposium Vision and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures 2023 (Braunschweig, 13 Oct 2023).

Datenübernahme und SIP-Bildung

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Dateningest mit verschiedenen Systemen

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Aussonderungsstandard XDomea

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Informations- und Dienstleistungsangebote

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Digitaler Lesesaal – ein internationaler Überblick

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Standardisierung und Automatisierung

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Vorstrukturierung / Pre-Ingest

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Vorfeldarbeit und Aussonderung

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Signifikante Eigenschaften

Autor:innen der 25. Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Archivierung von Unterlagen aus digitalen Systemen“ können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

Beiträge zur / Contributions to the 22. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz (NWK)

Autor:innen der 22. Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz (NWK) können ihre Beiträge einreichen.

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Personal data

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