Because Data Shall Grow (and we With it)
Steps Towards a Cultural Change for Sharing Research Data
Cultural Change, Open Scholarship, Data Sharing, FAIR Principles, NFDIAbstract
Research data are a valuable asset of their own and individual researchers as well as the research community as a whole can benefit through data sharing practices and open science. These benefits include but are not limited to higher data quality or the more efficient use of time and financial resources. Despite these potential gains, data sharing is not widespread yet and processes of cultural change are needed to reap the benefits of data sharing. Against this background, the NFDI can function as a platform for discussion and provides a network that extends beyond individual research bubbles in the name of common interests and facilitate cultural change processes towards data sharing. A first collaborative workshop in April 2023 identified four central clusters of interest including 1. policies, strategies and funding; 2. communities, workshops and multipliers; 3. publications and 4. collaboration, communication and error cultures. Departing from this, we contemplate developing a vision on how to further encourage cultural change in the NFDI through a series of workshops. As a result, a vision of cultural change within and with the NFDI will be published by the end of 2023 to further guide the processes to facilitate cultural change. A first step could be to change the guiding metaphor for data: Not “Gold” or “Oil”, but “Humus” for healthy growth of a collaborative data ecosystem.Downloads
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2023 Julia Rakers, Daniel Nüst, Bernhard Miller, Julia Mohrbacher, Torsten Schrade, Jörg Seegert, Holger Simon, Christian Vater, Cord Wiljes

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-06-30
Published 2023-09-07