FAIR Research Data With NOMAD

FAIRmat's Distributed, Schema-based Research-data Infrastructure to Harmonize RDM in Materials Science





Materials Science, Research Data Management, Metadata, FAIR data, electronic lab notebook


Scientific research is becoming increasingly data centric, which requires more effort to manage, share, and publish data.
NOMAD is a web-based platform that provides research data management (RDM) for materials-science data. In addition to core RDM functions like uploading and sharing files, NOMAD automatically extracts structured data from supported file formats, normalizes, and converts data from these formats. NOMAD provides an extendable framework for managing not just files, but structured machine-actionable harmonized and inter-operable data. This is the basis for a faceted search with domain-specific filters, a comprehensive API, structured data entry via customizable ELNs, integrated data-analysis and machine-learning tools. NOMAD is run as a free public service and can additionally be operated by research institutes. Connecting NOMAD installations through the public services will allow a federated data infrastructure to share data between research institutes and further harmonize RDM within a large research domain such as materials science.


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How to Cite

Scheidgen, M., Brückner, S., Brockhauser, S., Ghiringhelli, L. M., Dietrich, F., Mansour, A. E., … Draxl, C. (2023). FAIR Research Data With NOMAD: FAIRmat’s Distributed, Schema-based Research-data Infrastructure to Harmonize RDM in Materials Science. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure , 1. https://doi.org/10.52825/cordi.v1i.376
Received 2023-04-26
Accepted 2023-06-29
Published 2023-09-07

Funding data